Tax Law

Taxes come into our lives in a multitude of ways; it’s simply a reality of life. At times, you may need assistance with your taxes, and Landry Law, PLLC is here to help in many of those instances.

Tax Planning

Taxes are complex, and it is important to think ahead with them. Structuring your business or personal matters in a way that makes sense proactively for tax purposes can save you a headache come tax time!


Sometimes people encounter tax issues they didn’t ever expect. Other times, someone is grappling with international tax considerations. When a complex tax matter arises, Landry Law, PLLC is happy to review it to determine if I can assist you or know someone better suited to your matter. (Landry Law, PLLC does not handle litigation matters.) I often work with CPAs on complex tax matters as well.


It is impractical to separate out estate planning from tax planning, as to do estate planning without considering tax implications would not produce as high quality of a result. In handling estate tax and similar matters, I combine my knowledge and work in both practice areas to deliver high quality legal work for my clients.


Many business law matters require considering the tax implications. By way of example, the tax implications of each entity play a large role in the choice of entity for a new business. Succession planning, including transitioning of ownership, often involves looking at tax consequences of each option. Ongoing business matters may also involve a consideration of the tax ramifications, as this can tip the scales when clients are weighing the pros and cons of a matter. Not all business law matters involve tax, but many are aided by considering tax implications.