
At Landry Law, PLLC, education for all is a top value. The information provided on this page for educational purposes is not legal advice but is provided in hopes that it helps you in understanding more about trusts & estates, tax, and business law. This page will be updated over time. If you have any questions on this information, please contact Landry Law, PLLC.

Are you wondering why Landry Law focuses on being proactive? Do you want to know some big moments in life that might affect your planning? With all of the difficulties of 2020, many are looking at planning in a way that they have not in the past. Are you realizing that you need to start or update planning or wondering about planning in trying times?

Are you curious about your own situation and things to consider, or maybe just about these areas generally? The What is… ? Series is probably for you. Have a suggestion for a new What is… ? post? Comment with it! Landry Law, PLLC posts the What is…? Series to Facebook, LinkedIn, and at the link weekly.

Would you like to learn more about the terms and concepts and what to expect in planning and administration for trusts & estates, tax, and business law? Want to interact by asking your own questions? The Facebook group is for you! There, you can mark your progress through the units, ask questions, and participate in the group. The information there is for education purposes only, with no legal advice provided or attorney-client relationship formed. Discussions in the group are on general topics, terms, and concepts and hypothetical situations or news items only.